What to Expect
What should I wear?
We welcome everyone to come as they are. On Sundays you’ll find some who are dressed in their Sunday best, but you’ll also find others in jeans and t-shirts. Whatever you’re wearing, we’ll be glad to see you!
What is the worship experience like?
During our weekly worship services, we typically follow the Revised Common Lectionary. We join with millions globally who worship and reflect on the same Scripture readings throughout the seasons of the year. You may also find that on some Sundays or seasons, we worship with a focus on a particular theme.
Our services typically include organ hymns led by a choir in our historic sanctuary, along with piano choruses and a cappella songs. We are also frequently blessed with special vocal, guitar, piano, trumpet, and flute performances by our members and friends. We encourage you to join in by singing or simply listening to the sounds of the service.
What if I have small children?
We welcome families with small children to attend Sunday worship with us. During the service, we provide a comfortable and fully furnished room for children 5 years and younger, as well as activities for older children while in the sanctuary.
What do you have for adults?
We have a full range of programming for adults at all stages of life to meet together on Sundays and throughout the week — Men’s and Women’s groups, Bible Study groups, Lay Ministry, Music at Asbury performances, mission and outreach opportunities, to name just a few.